Friday, October 29, 2010


Like he says on his video caption, 4 years after the Opus 00, here comes the 14th one and always nice to see Alexis wild creative mind into action, one word, 5 letters, E N J O Y!

Valenciennes Fingerboard contest @ Zero Co2 shop

Antoine Chevalier was kind enough to invite me over for the contest and even pick me up off the train station, unfortunately I got one day later to France from Amsterdam and couldn't make it to the contest, nevertheless, here's the footage from the contest and big ups for the initiative!

Daewon Song Fingerboarding!

With all due respect Mr. Song, you're a great skateboarder and you've proven your talents for over a decade already but here's a friendly tip, leave fingerboarding to us, we'll impress you, who's with me?

FingerboardTV: FBTV Interview - Evgeny Kozlov

An interview from Fingerboard TV with Evgenv Ksolov, an upcoming rider from Russia, check it out:

FingerboardTV: FBTV Interview - Evgeny Kozlov

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

International FingerFelm Fest

When you hear free Popcorn, you usually get pumped ut, well stay put because not only you can wash it down with free cola, but you can also watch the premiere of "We are Hongkong" and "Fingerboarding ruined my life", two feature fingerboarding films, and to top the cream with a cherry, Orange Vibes and some suprise Djs will be throwing the vibes after, sounds too good to be true? No, it's too good and it's true, it's the International Fingerfelm Festival.

Head Down to Schwarzenbach, Germany on October 30th at 3pm!

How to relax when your baby's been crying for hours...

Enough is Enough, and when Ju junior is being naughty at night, it's time for daddy to take it out on something, like a a FlatFace marble, Julien Radiu, ladies and gentlemen!

Shen Company Fingerboards New Deck Series

The new deck series by Shen Company entitled Oriental series seriously look SICK, the graphics looks stunning, the decks come with a new shape, very impressed with these guys work, can't wait to get my hand on one of those!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Hand Crashes the X-Games Street Course

A human size hand doing tricks on a skateboard during the X games in front thousands of people? You couldn't ask more for a fingerboard promotion ad!

Portugal fingers!

Did you say Portuguese scene? This is a video from a bunch of Portuguese rider along with a Moby sound, very zen combo!

Close Up Generation 3

Do you want some fresh tricks? a clean style? some video effects straight outta Star Wars? and with beat so smooth only criminals could dance on it? We've got it, here and once again, the french touch represents with a video from Close Up!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Spinal February 2010

Joaquin Mendez and Swan Mougnoz could have smoked a blunt and just had a nice session off camera but instead, they filmed it, a bunch of tricks left right on some sweet marble and wooden spots edited with a chilled tune...and maybe they did hit a blunt or two after all, enjoy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Spot Hunting: Marble Mini Ramp (Taiwan)

This is sweet mini ramp made of marble is one the best outdoor spots I've found, it's smooth, well lid and there's at least 2 or 3 of them next to each other, each one with a little something to it, unfortunately, my camera chose the best time to run out of battery and couldn't shoot some footage but I'll be back to that city (Taichung) for their yearly famous Jazz fest. and I'll make sure that battery is pumped up for some mini ramp action and make sure to check back for the video!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

NES Fingerboard JPN

A sick fingerboarding footage using all sorts of Nintendo game consoles and cartridges, FB kudos for the style, the filming and the creativity, vote if you like it!

FockVm3 - Nathan Thompson's part

Old footage from the infamous Nathan Thompson, who made a sick part back in the days in "Ridden for a Reason" and had some real life miniatures skateboarding spots in his fb videos, for some new footage of Nathan, check this link: Nathan's FlatFace Dvd part ENJOY!